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Pork 3 Ways


Pork 3 Ways

Impress your customers by serving Iberico Pork 3 ways. Our Iberico Pork is free range and acorn fed giving the meat a high marbling of fat and an incomparable flavour. Serve with seasonal vegetables and a parsnip puree.

For the Belly Pork...

Code Product Pack Size To Serve 4
From Your Kitchen Belly Pork   500gm 
40818 Chicken Stock 800gm 500ml
66238 Garlic Puree 1kg 2tbsp
From Your Kitchen White Onion, roughly chopped   1/2 Onion
From Your Kitchen Celery Stick, roughly chopped   1/2 Stick
4785 Bay Leaf 100gm 1 Leaf
From Your Kitchen Fresh Sage   1 Bunch

To Make the Belly Pork...

  1. Place the onion and celery into a roasting tray then sit the belly pork on top.
  2. Push the herbs around the meat. Mix the garlic puree with the chicken stock and pour stock over the meat
  3. Cover with foil and cook in the oven at 160c for 2 1/2 hours.
  4. Once cooked, place onto a clean board, cover with baking parchment and press with a heavy weight. Leave in the fridge overnight.
  5. When ready to serve, slice to desired size and reheat in a hot frying pan.


For the Bon Bons...

Code Product Pack Size To Serve 4
83494 Iberico Pork Secretos 350-500gm 100gm
From Your Kitchen Sage Leaves    2 Leaves
40818 Chicken Stock 800gm 500ml
5535 Black Pudding 1.36kg 50gm 
From Your Kitchen Granny Smith Apple    1/2 
From Your Kitchen White Potato   1 Potato
12578 Eggs 5 dozen 2 Eggs
43159 Plain Flour 1.5kg 100gm
70598 Panko Bread Crumbs  1kg 100gm
23896 Dijon Mustard 1.2kg 2tsp

To Make the Bon Bons...

  1. Seal the secretos (similar to pork shoulder) in a hot pan. Place in a roasting tray with sage and chicken stock, cover with foil and roast for 3 hours at 160c. Rest the meat for at least 30 minutes then shred and set aside.
  2. Boil and mash the potato. Finely dice the black pudding, grate the apple then bind all the ingredients with shredded pork.
  3. Roll into golf ball sized balls, pane with the flour egg and panko.
  4. Deep fry at 180c for 4/5 minutes or until golden brown.


For the Wrapped Loins...

Code Product Pack Size To Serve 4
35997 Iberico Pork Tenderloin  350-500gm 1 Tenderloin
68272 Sliced Prosciutto 500gm 6-8 Slices
23896 Dijon Mustard 1.2kg 1tbsp

To Make the Wrapped Loin...

  1. Season with salt and pepper, brush with dijon mustard.
  2. Lay the prociutto slices, slightly over lapping onto board. Place the fillet to one end and wrap tightly.
  3. Bake at 180c on a greaseproof tray for 25-30 minutes.

For the Baby Toffee Apples...

Code Product Pack Size To Serve 4
94658 Tinned Baby Apples 435gm 4 Apples
7674 Caster Sugar 2kg 50gm

To Make the Baby Toffee Apples...

  1. Heat Sugar gently in a pan until it starts to caramelise. Take off the heat when it has a deep brown colour.
  2. Dip the apples in the caramel, sit on parchment paper and allow to set ina cool dry place.

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